Tuesday 18 August 2009

Some useful websites and tools for you to explore

Group 1. Explore these: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/



Write about theses two sites on our blog. Describe and compare them. Which do you think is more useful to help your colleagues improve their English? Why?

Group 2. Explore this site:


You can make a movie here. To save it you need to register.

Write about the site on our blog. And if possible embed your movie. Say how difficult it was to make. How do you think this could be useful to help your colleagues improve their English?

Group 3. Look at this site and choose one talk to watch that interests you :


Write a short summary of the talk you watched. What other types of talks were available that might interest your colleagues? Write about it on our blog.

Group 4. Look at these three sites:


How is this different from the normal English Wikipedia site? How useful is it?

http://www.googlefight.com/ Describe what Googlefight does? In what situations could it be useful for you and your colleagues?

http://www.howjsay.com/ How useful do you think this site is? Do you know any other tools that are useful for language learners? Write about all these questions on our blog.

Group 5. Spend a bit of time exploring this site:

Then write about it on our blog. Describe the site and say what it does. Did you find any interesting information on it?

Group 6. Look at this site:


Spend a bit of time exploring and, if you want to, you can leave some comments or even register and make your own Voicethread (you will need some photos – ask Jo if you haven’t got any).

Then write about Voicethread on our blog. Describe it and say how people use it. How do you think it could be useful for practising your English? Put in links to interesting examples.

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