Friday 28 August 2009

interesting website

I m going to write you an interesting English website for English teachers in which you can find different ideas, activities and games to play in the class:

"click on idea cookbook"

Friday 21 August 2009

Hi! I am going to tell you some things I discovered yesterday about entertainment in Norwich. At the beginnig of our tour, we discovered the library and the BBC radio inside the Forum. Then, we went to Chapelfield Park where you can do a lot of activities: reading, walking or just relax yourself on the grass. We also visited a builiding called Country and Eastern that was a role-skating ring in 1876. It was also a theatre and it is a forniture shop at the moment.After going to Nile offices, we discovered much more places where you can go in your free time. We went to Norwich Arts centre where they have information about all the cultural events in the city, we went to "Inspire Discovery centre" (a special play where children and adults can play) and to Norwich Playhouse ( a kind of cultural centre with a curiuous pub inside). After visiting the cinema city we went to the Royal Arcade and finally we went to a pub where we rested after a hard day. We were HAPPY but a bit tired. There so many enterntainments in Norwich... !!! Enjoy the city!!!! Gema Miguez, Sandra and Fernando.

The 'green man' in the cloisters.

Hi! I would like to give you an amusing place to visit in Norwich. One of the most famous Norwich's landmark is the Cathedral. In the 'Dark Entry' you can walk around the cloisters, and if you look up the cloisters you will find 'green man', It is fun if you find it! -- Manu --
Hi I'm Gema,

I chose the history.

Norwich was conquered by Romans and French, so do by Normans and Viking.

It's brevery tipical industry, wearing industry, shoes and mustard.

There is a Castle and it was built by normans in 1607. It was made wood at them day rebuilt using stone from France

The museun about Norwich history is closed because trere's some tuilding works.


Food and Drinks in Norwich

Like in the rest of the country, you can find every kind of food and drink, in supermarkets like Tesco, Sainsbury etc. Also in markets: Norwich has a traditional market in the center of the city where you can buy meat, fish, vegetables etc. The prices in the supermarket are quite similiar to the Spanish supermarkets. Anyway in the market the meat and fish the prices are more expensive.

In front of the market there's an Arcade similiar to Burlington Arcade in London, there you can find one of the best chocolate shops in the city.

You should try the English traditional meal in the Pub. The word pub (meaning Public House), most Spanish people think that the pubs are bars where you can drink a typical pint of beer, but usually they don't eat inside.
The typical meal in England you can eat in the pubs are: Fish and Chips, Cottage Pie, Toad in the hole, Yorkshire Pudding and the Sunday Roast. Batter, very typical in English cooking, is a liquid mixture, usually based on one or more flours combined with liquids such as water, milk or beer. They usually cover the meals with this, like the famous fish and chips.

About drinks, the beer is the most typical drink in the pubs, there's a measure (The pint) if it's too much for you, you can order a half pint. You can find three kinds of beer: Lager, stout and Ale, this two latter are more typically, specially the Ale because they must pull three times to fill a glass of beer.

In Norwich there're very interesting pub like a Black Horse, Unthanks Arms, Gardeners Arms and the probably oldest pub in Norwich called Adam and Eve.

The Norwich accent

Hi every body,
Yesterday, our group were talking with Norwich people and asking them about their accent. We asked them how the people of Norwich speak, and the answered that they speak than Nortfolk people. Nortfolk it's a county in England and people who were talking with us told that it's a usual accent in this city.
Their accent isn't hard, I think you can understand them easy if they don't speak vere quickly.
I thinkin the same way that the accent depends of the people that you're talking with. Coneccted with their social class or their culture level.
I hope you to understand everyone in Norwich. Try it!

Shopping in Norwich

Norwich have a lot of places to shopping and do the shopping. Usually the shops and the Shopping Centers open between 9 and 9:30 in the morning and the time of closing depend on the day of week. Most of shops (principally big shops) close between 17 and 18 in the afternoon but on thursday are closed around 20 pm. At weekend there are different times to close. Some shops close around 14 or 15 pm and other shops close around 17 or 18 pm.
The main shops and stores are in the town centre such as Marks and Spencer, John Lewis, Debenhams, House of Fraiser, Primark, Jarrold, etc.
An special place to shopping is Royal Arcade. It is one of the places older to buy some things you need. It ownes several small shops along a corridor. It is in front of the Town Hall. If you past along the corridor you got another street.
Foreing people (particullarly spanish people) think that do the shopping and shopping in Norwich is more expensive than other countries of the European Union. For example, buy coffee, flowers and tomatoes are more expensive than in Spain. But when you talk about important brands and labels like Nike, Levers, Clarks, etc. are not so expensive as in Spain.
When young people are answered about customs the say that prefer shopping in big areas like mall and Shopping center rather than small shops.
Now you decide. It is up to you.